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05-26 星期四

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05-26 星期四


Wunu Mountain View Area officially opened on April 19.

Scenic spot information


09 12

Liaoning Wunvshan Tourism Development Group held the "Liaoning Provincial Tourism Photography Creation Base Unveiling Ceremony and the First Wunvshan Cup Tourism Photography Short Video Competition Award Ceremony" was a complete success, ushering in the Wunvshan Scenic Spot and Wangtiandong Scenic Spot. The new market development channel has ushered in a new photography creation environment for photography enthusiasts, and the tourism of Wunu Mountain and Wangtian Cave will surely fl


10 04

On October 3, 2020, with the bright rhythm struck by the ancient copper cymbals, the long colorful silk on the phase hat swayed cheerfully with the shaking of the human head, men, women and children danced in bright national costumes, and the children were on the shoulders of adults. Twisting the waist and waving small hands... The warm scene and the joyful atmosphere make you unable to help indulge in it. This is Benxi Huanren's "begging grain dance". They sang and danced into the H


09 08

"World Heritage, Millennium Ancient City", the birthplace of a frontier nation, a cultural journey through time and space. Wunu Mountain fascinates people with its long history and culture, and makes people yearn for its unique natural landscape. It has been rated as one of the top ten archaeological discoveries in China, a national 4A-level tourist attraction, and a world cultural heritage site. In order to further improve the tourism brand influence of Wunvshan Scenic Area, encourage

    Scenic spot open day 

April 20-October 31

The maximum daily carrying capacity of the scenic area is 15000 people, and the instantaneous maximum carrying capacity is 8000 people.


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which brings itself extremely high value as a tourist attraction for relaxation and as a place with cherished history and rich culture.

World Heritage · Millennium King City - Wunv Mountain

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

"Mountain King Capital • Eternal Acropolis", high-quality natural scenery and rich historical and cultural sites attract domestic and foreign tourists from all over the world to experience the unique Goguryeo culture, feel the birth history of the frontier peoples, and appreciate the beauty of Wunu Mountain. Infinite charm.In 2020, passed the National 5A Landscape Quality Assessment

National key units
One of the top ten new archaeological discoveries in China
Rated as a national AAAA-level scenic spot
Listed on the World Heritage List

World Heritage · Millennium King City - Wunv Mountain

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

National key units
One of the top ten new archaeological discoveries in China
Rated as a national AAAA-level scenic spot
Listed on the World Heritage List

"Mountain King Capital • Eternal Acropolis"

   "Mountain King Capital • Eternal Acropolis", high-quality natural scenery and rich historical and cultural sites attract domestic and foreign tourists from all over the world to experience the unique Goguryeo culture, feel the birth history of the frontier peoples, and appreciate the beauty of Wunu Mountain. Infinite charm.

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

The scenic area of Wunü Mountain locates itself 8.5 kilometers north of Huanren County in Liaoning Province, featuring imposing peaks and pleasant scenery.

Address: East Bank of hada River, Liujiagou street, Huanren Town, Huanren Manchu Autonomous County, Benxi City

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

Address: East Bank of hada River, Liujiagou street, Huanren Town, Huanren Manchu Autonomous County, Benxi City

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