common problem

How to prevent various "diseases" while traveling


Eating and listening to music can prevent motion sickness

Due to the current travel by car, many citizens will experience motion sickness, resulting in poor spirits. Zhang Jinshe, chief physician of the Department of Neurology of Weinan Central Hospital, said that people who are prone to motion sickness can eat something before riding a car, which will relieve hunger and reduce symptoms; they can take anti-sickness drugs one hour before riding; Listen to the radio, music, or chat with your peers to divert your attention; for longer periods of time, close your eyes and take a break. If it doesn't work, you can get off the car and rest for a while. Even motion sickness and vomiting are normal and do not require medical attention.

Do not touch flowers

Playing in the wild or in scenic areas will inevitably come into contact with a variety of flowers and plants, and many citizens will suffer from urticaria, commonly known as rubella. Ma Zhugao, deputy director of Weinan Dermatology Society and deputy chief physician of the Department of Dermatology of Weinan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, introduced that antihistamines are the first choice for the treatment of urticaria, and drugs that reduce skin vascular permeability and large doses of vitamin C are used. For patients with severe urticaria such as angioedema, corticosteroids should be added.

Do not eat raw vegetables to avoid diarrhea

Travel diarrhea is a common travel disorder. How to prevent it from happening? Ren Daixian, deputy chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of Weinan Central Hospital, suggested that you should drink more water during the trip; eat less dairy products, and do not eat raw vegetables, seafood, and meat; you can bring alcohol cotton balls or wet tissues to wipe your hands when you can’t. hands. When you are hungry, do not buy food from roadside stalls, but go to restaurants with hygiene guarantees. During the journey, if you see tempting and unfamiliar food, it is best not to try it, so as to avoid adverse consequences.

Carry a small medicine box with you

Citizens will inevitably encounter accidents on the way to play, so they may wish to bring a small first aid kit when traveling. Zhao Runnian, deputy chief and deputy chief pharmacist of the Pharmacy Department of the Central Hospital, designed a "medicine box menu" for the general public: some commonly used medicines can be equipped in it, such as cold medicine, motion sickness medicine, antidiarrheal medicine, hemostatic medicine, antipyretic and analgesic medicine , eye drops, etc., you can also prepare some disinfectants, gauze, tape, thermometer, scissors, tweezers, pins, plastic gloves, etc. Also, carry standard plastic bags with you to store medical waste and discards.

Do not drive after taking medicine

The so-called "drug driving" refers to driving after taking drugs. Zhao Runnian warned citizens traveling by car that many drugs have the side effect of drowsiness, such as some cold medicines and tranquilizers, which may cause drowsiness or dizziness. Affect the driver's ability to judge, easy to cause traffic accidents. Citizens traveling by car should read the instructions carefully before taking the medicine, and follow the doctor's advice. They should not drive after taking the medicine, so as to avoid the occurrence of tragedy.


Keep warm in winter outdoor travel


Nowadays, winter tourism is becoming fashionable. However, if you do not pay attention to changes in weather during the journey, especially the impact of cold climates on the human body, you may be attacked by certain diseases. Among the tourists, some are from the south to the north, some have more outdoor activities, and some are the elderly and infirm, these people especially need protection from cold and frost.

When traveling outdoors in winter, the exposed parts or peripheral parts of the human body, such as fingers, toes, ears, and cheeks, are stimulated by cold and humidity for a long time, and erythema may appear on the skin and be accompanied by abnormal sensations. In severe cases, it may develop into blisters ,ulcer. If you stay in a cold environment for too long, not only skin damage will occur, but also systemic diseases may occur. In a cold environment, the incidence of heart disease, stroke, flu, frostbite, arthritis and other diseases will increase significantly. In winter tourism, weather with low temperature and humidity, high air pressure and high wind speed is common. Data show that sudden drop in temperature or sudden exposure to a cold environment often induces cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke. When the temperature drops from zero to below zero, the number of colds will increase sharply in the short term, and many of them are young people. Tracheitis target=_blank> Chronic bronchitis may also recur in cold, dry climates.

To prevent frostbite, it is important to pay attention to the warmth of clothing. The outermost layer of clothing should be windproof, and can be made of wool, fur or leather; the down jacket can form a relatively immobile air layer, which has good heat retention and is the first choice for winter travel. Underwear should be soft, hygroscopic and breathable to facilitate moisturizing and drying. To minimize the exposed areas of the skin, it is necessary to exercise or massage frequently for areas prone to frostbite.

If you want to travel in winter without being hurt by cold climates, it is essential to enhance your ability to protect yourself from cold. Adjusting the diet and increasing the body's metabolism is an effective method to improve the body's ability to produce heat. In fact, in order to maintain body temperature in a cold environment, the human body must increase its metabolism. In addition, travel consumes a lot of physical strength. Only by increasing the intake of nutrients can the human body need to be met. In the diet of winter tourists, the intake of the three major nutrients, protein, carbohydrate and fat, as well as minerals and vitamins, should be higher than usual. Lean meats, eggs, fresh fish, soy products, and animal livers are very good for supplementing human calories and can be eaten appropriately. In addition, it is necessary to correct the misconception of drinking to keep warm. Alcohol and water cannot produce heat. On the contrary, alcohol can stimulate the blood vessels on the surface of the body and increase the blood circulation on the surface of the body. People feel "hot", but the body is actually losing heat.

People with coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure and chronic bronchitis should not travel in cold winter due to health factors. In case of severe weather such as strong wind, heavy fog and heavy snow, the infirm should not go out to travel, otherwise the gain will outweigh the gain. .


How to take care of hypoallergenic after flower viewing in spring


Fireworks are fascinating in March, and it is a good time to enjoy the flowers once a year. At this time, I invite three or two friends to walk in the fields, be in the sea of flowers, or come to the farm orchard to appreciate the competing peach blossoms and rape blossoms. It is really a beautiful thing in life.

Flower viewing in spring, beware of allergic skin diseases

Entering the spring, as the temperature rises, all kinds of flowers are in full bloom in the city and the surrounding areas. Peach blossoms, pear blossoms and many unknown flowers have bloomed one after another, attracting many people to go out to enjoy the flowers. However, although the flowers are beautiful, be careful with pollen allergies. Spring is the season of high incidence of allergic skin diseases. Recently, the number of patients with allergies and skin diseases in hospitals has gradually increased. According to Lei Shuying, director of the department, with flowers blooming and catkins flying, the most severe allergy season of the year has arrived. In spring, allergic dermatitis is the most common. It is recommended that people with a history of allergies or susceptible people, Avoid allergens as much as possible during this season.

Allergy sufferers should avoid allergens

Spring pollen and catkins are flying, not only the skin suffers, but people with allergic rhinitis are also affected, sneezing, runny nose, miserable. People with allergies should stay away from pollen in this blooming season. Although the flowers on the roadside are brightly colored and very beautiful, it is best not to touch them and keep them as far away as possible.

For some citizens with skin diseases such as allergic dermatitis and urticaria, they should go to the hospital for allergen testing in time to avoid contact with allergens and prevent repeated skin diseases. You can wear hats, glasses and masks when going out. People with allergies should try to avoid contact with pollen and catkins. When sleeping at night, close the bedroom window to prevent flying catkins and pollen from drifting into the room at night. constitution.

How to take care of hypoallergenic after viewing flowers

Avoiding exposure to pollen during the pollen season is the best way to prevent it. Spend as little time outside as possible during the day, especially during times of day when the pollen count is high, such as early evening on a sunny day. When doing outdoor activities and various sports. Choose the right time to exercise to improve your body's resistance when the pollen index is the lowest as much as possible.

When going out to play, it is best to avoid places with lush flowers and plants, wear masks, hats, sunglasses, and long-sleeved shirts to avoid contact and inhalation of pollen. If you go out when the pollen concentration is high, take a shower when you get home, rinse the pollen off your skin and change into clean clothes.

Avoid opening windows during periods when the air pollen concentration is high, and air conditioners can install pollen filters or use air filtering equipment; avoid using carpets, remove mats and other items that easily accumulate dust, and keep the room clean.

Eat more fruits and vegetables in your diet to increase your vitamin intake. Avoid eating wild vegetables, honey and other foods that may contain pollen particles, and also avoid eating spicy and irritating foods to aggravate allergy symptoms.


How to take care of the elderly when traveling abroad


When we were young, we always said that we would travel when we were old, and now many elderly people like to travel. However, it is still more dangerous for the elderly to travel. During the travel process, we must take good care of health.

How to take care of the elderly during travel

1. The elderly are easily fatigued and not easy to recover. There should be sufficient rest and sleep during travel. If you feel exhausted, take a few days off or stop your trip. Sit down and take a nap at any time during long walking tours.

2. The elderly have poor thermoregulation function and are prone to colds and colds, so they should bring enough clothes so that they can be increased or decreased at any time. Don't take off your clothes immediately when you are sweating. In areas with a large temperature difference between day and night, cover the quilt before going to bed, and close the doors and windows when it is windy and rainy at night.

3. The gastrointestinal function of the elderly is weakened, and it is easy to cause digestive disorders due to the soil and water. Therefore, the diet should be light, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and eat less greasy and spicy raw and cold food. It is best to drink less or no alcohol.

4. The elderly have poor balance control, often unstable walking, and are prone to falling and tripping. Generally speaking, except for a few people with better physique, generally speaking, try not to climb and enter the water, and perform activities that consume excessive physical strength.

5. The elderly should pay attention to and take good care of their feet when traveling, such as wearing soft shoes that fit their feet, scalding their feet with hot water at night, and self-massaging the muscles of the legs and soles of the feet, so that you can travel, no matter what. Walking or climbing a mountain will feel extra brisk.

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

The scenic area of Wunü Mountain locates itself 8.5 kilometers north of Huanren County in Liaoning Province, featuring imposing peaks and pleasant scenery.

Address: East Bank of hada River, Liujiagou street, Huanren Town, Huanren Manchu Autonomous County, Benxi City

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

Address: East Bank of hada River, Liujiagou street, Huanren Town, Huanren Manchu Autonomous County, Benxi City

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