List of winners of "Wu Nushan Cup Meet Huanren National Tourism Poetry Competition"

List of winners of "Wu Nushan Cup Meet Huanren National Tourism Poetry Competition"

  • Classification:announcement
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  • Published Time:2019-09-25 14:20:00
  • Views:141

【Summary Description】

List of winners of "Wu Nushan Cup Meet Huanren National Tourism Poetry Competition"

【Summary Description】

  • Classification:announcement
  • Author:
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  • Published Time:2019-09-25 14:20:00
  • Views:141

Sponsored by the CPC Huanren Manchu Autonomous County Committee and the People's Government of Huanren Manchu Autonomous County, organized by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Huanren Manchu Autonomous County Committee, Liaoning Wunushan Tourism Development Group Co., Ltd., Huanren Manchu Autonomous County Writers Association, and co-organized by Yuling Poetry Society Wunu Mountain Cup • Meet Huanren National Tourism Poetry Competition" came to a successful conclusion.

This competition started on May 25, 2019, and the submission deadline was August 25, 2019. The contest's call for papers was released through literary websites, "Benxi Daily", "Huanren County News" and other media, publications, literature QQ groups, WeChat groups, blogs and other channels, and received 25 awards from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Sichuan, Anhui, Xinjiang, etc. With the strong support of poets from provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, a total of 2,321 entries (articles) were received. After the initial evaluation and screening, expert re-evaluation and final evaluation, 1 first prize, 2 second prizes and 10 third prizes were finally selected. Name, 50 Excellence Awards. The winning entries and the names of the authors are now announced as follows:

1 first prize

"Five Girls Mountain Fu" Ma Jianxun, Beijing

2 second prizes

"The Bronze Statue of General Juwu in the Tang Dynasty" Wen Rui, Dongliao County, Jilin Province

"Five Girls Mountain Fu" Ma Xiangdang, Donggang City, Liaoning Province

10 third prizes

"Five Girls Mountain Fu" Wangwangchuan, Dalian City, Liaoning Province

"Shuidiao Song Head·Five Girls Mountain" Su Jun, Gaozhou City, Guangdong Province

"Nostalgia for the Five Women's Mountains" Xie Dan, Zhongshan City, Guangdong

"Shuidiao Song Head·Fenglin Valley" Xie Pengzhu, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province

"Question Five Girls Mountain" Wang Dong, Chaohu City, Anhui Province

"The Red River and the Daya River Rafting" Li Taidong, Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang

"The Ancient City Wall of Wunu Mountain" Yang Qidong, Benxi County, Liaoning Province

"Slow Voice · Climbing Wunu Mountain" Zongguan Banner, Huanren County, Liaoning Province

"Revelation in front of the statue of Zhang Yue at night" by Chen Weichang, Xiangtan, Hunan

"Huanlong Lake under the Five Girls Mountain" Jiang Hong, Dalian City, Liaoning Province

50 Excellence Awards (sorted by province, municipality and autonomous region administrative division and surname strokes)

"Shui Tiao Song Head·Spring Tour to Wunu Mountain" Wang Jingjing, Beijing

"Five Girls Mountain Fu" Tian Shijie, Beijing

"Ice Mortar" Ling Yueyi, Beijing

"Praise Zhang Jinyin" Zhang Xiujuan, Bazhou City, Hebei Province

"Qinyuanchun·Splendid Huanren" He Zhanqiang, Wu'an City, Hebei Province

"Shui Diao Song Head • Daya River Rafting" Sun Shuangping, Zanhuang County, Hebei

"Huanren County Government Office Building" Ling Daxin, Anshan City, Liaoning Province

"Wu Nu Mountain Nostalgic" (New Rhythm) Yu Dexin, Benxi City, Liaoning Province

"Nanxiangzi • Summer Tour to the Five Girls Mountains" Wang Qinrong, Benxi City, Liaoning Province

"Huanren on the way to collect the wind" Li Junguo, Benxi City, Liaoning Province

"Man Tingfang·Huanlong Lake Feelings" (New Rhyme) Li Jinhua, Benxi City, Liaoning Province

"Huanxi Sand • Hearing the Flute by the River" Zhang Liping, Benxi City, Liaoning Province

"City cadres stationed in Huanren to help farmers get rid of poverty and become rich" Zhang Shusheng, Benxi City, Liaoning Province

"Climb the Five Women's Mountain Again" (Zidu Song) Chen Mingming, Benxi City, Liaoning Province

"Night View of Huanlong Lake" Chen Shuqin, Benxi City, Liaoning Province

"Wonder of Ice Mortar" Wu Jingrong, Benxi City, Liaoning Province

"The Return of the Master of Records" by Xi Bin, Benxi City, Liaoning Province

"Climbing Wunu Mountain with Friends" Sun Jichun, Huanren County, Liaoning

"The Daya River Rafting" Du Shaohong, Huanren County, Liaoning Province

"Five Girls Mountain" (Ancient Style) Zhang Shuwei, Huanren County, Liaoning Province

"Wan Le Island", Zhou Hongying, Huanren County, Liaoning Province

"Ti Huan Long Lake" Zheng Dechen, Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province

"Sunset at Huanlong Lake" Zhang Haiyan, Panjin City, Liaoning Province

"Shui Diao Song Head, Climbing Wunu Mountain" Ji Tiebing, Jianping County, Liaoning Province

"Qinyuan Spring·Climbing Wunu Mountain after the rain" Niu Xuesong, Xingcheng City, Liaoning Province

"Question Five Girls Mountain" Sha Jianwei, Baicheng City, Jilin Province

"Qinyuan Spring·Zan Huanren" Zhang Dexin, Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang

"Deng Huanren Five Girls Mountain" Du Tianming, Dumeng County, Heilongjiang

"Climbing the Five Girls Mountain" by Niu Junren, Shanghai

"Linjiang Immortals - Chanting the Mountain City of Five Women" Yang Haibo, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu

"Fourteen Rhymes of Nostalgia for the Ruins of Koguryo City on Wunu Mountain" Xie Liangxi, Gaoyou City, Jiangsu Province

"Dream Back to Wunu Mountain" Wang Wenlong, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province

"Sending Huanren Five Women Mountain" Wang Yali, Anqing City, Anhui

"Partridge Sky Revisit Wunu Mountain" Song Zhenhan, Chaohu City, Anhui Province

"Five Girls Mountain Fu" Tang Long, Changle City, Fujian

"Wu Nushan Mountain City Has Presence" Cai Wenbo, Jinjiang City, Fujian

"Five Girls Mountain" Wang Huiwei, Yuncheng County, Shandong

"Linjiang Immortals Chanting the Five Girls Mountain" Fang Yingzhan, Guangshan County, Henan

"Visit Huanlong Lake and Wanle Island" Zheng Ruixia, Xinmi City, Henan

"Five Girls Mountain Fu" Zhang Yingjuan, Wuhan City, Hubei Province

"Delivery on the way to Hugu Gorge" Li Xiaoying, Jingmen City, Hubei

"Climbing the Five Girls Mountain in Autumn" Li Shengman, Liuyang City, Hunan Province

"Man Jiang Hong • Thousand Miles of Liaodong" Yan Rui, Fangchenggang City, Guangxi

"The Ruins of the Mountain City of Wunu Mountain" by Ye Zhaohui, Chongqing

"Mountain Walk" Fu Yu, Chongqing

"Climbing the Five Girls Mountain City" You Qiudi, Leshan City, Sichuan

"Morning Tour of Daya River" Song Huafeng, Liping County, Guizhou

"You Wunv Mountain Puppet" Tang Min, Nayong County, Guizhou

"Daya River Rafting" Kou Xingye, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province

"Climbing the Five Girls Mountain" Huang Tianming, Baiyin City, Gansu

Organizing Committee of "Wu Nushan Cup • Meet Huanren National Tourism Poetry Competition"

                         September 25, 2019

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Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

The scenic area of Wunü Mountain locates itself 8.5 kilometers north of Huanren County in Liaoning Province, featuring imposing peaks and pleasant scenery.

Address: East Bank of hada River, Liujiagou street, Huanren Town, Huanren Manchu Autonomous County, Benxi City

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

Address: East Bank of hada River, Liujiagou street, Huanren Town, Huanren Manchu Autonomous County, Benxi City

Copyright© Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.   All Rights Reserved    Technical Support:智雅科技(沈阳)    辽ICP备16010347号-2