Northeast Tourism Products Stunning Fujian

Northeast Tourism Products Stunning Fujian

  • Classification:Scenic spot dynamics
  • Author:
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  • Published Time:2020-04-14 13:53:00
  • Views:86

【Summary Description】

Northeast Tourism Products Stunning Fujian

【Summary Description】

  • Classification:Scenic spot dynamics
  • Author:
  • From:
  • Published Time:2020-04-14 13:53:00
  • Views:86

From September 9th to 10th, Liaoning Wunvshan Tourism Development Group Co., Ltd. participated in the Northeast Tourism Promotion Alliance and Shenyang Economic Zone Tourism Resources Promotion Conference held in Xiamen and Fuzhou. The event was co-hosted by the Northeast Tourism Promotion Alliance and the five cities in the Shenyang Economic Zone, and was held concurrently with the China International Trade and Investment Fair.


This event is the first time that the Northeast Tourism Promotion Alliance has entered Fujian since its establishment in Beijing in 2015. Liaoning Wunvshan Tourism Development Group appeared at the "CIFIT" as a member of the Northeast Promotion Alliance. The Northeast Tourism Promotion Alliance, with the theme of "Four Seasons Northeast, Wonderful Kanto", is the most influential tourism city consortium and tourism marketing organization in Northeast China, and currently has 21 member cities. This time, 10 cities in Fujian, including Shenyang, Changchun, Dalian, Anshan, Benxi, Fushun, Dandong, Jilin, Songyuan, and Daqing Tourism Committee, respectively introduced local characteristic tourism resources and classic tourist routes.




Among them, Liaoning Wunvshan Tourism Development Group has launched a cultural tourism route with the world cultural heritage and national AAAA-level scenic spot Wunvshan as the main line and the surrounding tourism resources of the Wunvshan scenic spot as the auxiliary line by integrating regional tourism resources. The city theme of "China's Landscape Oxygen Bar Capital" and "International Ecological Health City" carefully created by Ren County Party Committee and County Government. Launched the "Four Seasons Beautiful Self-driving Tour", "Midsummer Flower Sea Walk", "Wangtian Cave Summer Tour", "Autumn Maple Viewing Feast", "Wild Ginseng Health Tour", "Winter Hot Spring Tour", "Passionate Snow Play" "Brigade" and other tourist routes, covering the beautiful mountains and rivers of Huanren and the characteristic tourism resources of Liaoning Wunu Mountain Tourism Development Group.




In accordance with the principle of "complementary advantages, resource sharing, customer source exchange, and mutual benefit", the Northeast Tourism Promotion Alliance has reached a tourism industry cooperation framework agreement with Xiamen and Fuzhou Tourism Development Committee respectively. To carry out pragmatic cooperation in areas such as improving service quality and promoting the coordinated development of the tourism industry of the two places. At the same time, representatives of tourism enterprises in Northeast China and Fujian Province also signed a cooperation agreement.


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Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

The scenic area of Wunü Mountain locates itself 8.5 kilometers north of Huanren County in Liaoning Province, featuring imposing peaks and pleasant scenery.

Address: East Bank of hada River, Liujiagou street, Huanren Town, Huanren Manchu Autonomous County, Benxi City

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

Address: East Bank of hada River, Liujiagou street, Huanren Town, Huanren Manchu Autonomous County, Benxi City

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