Call for Papers for "Wu Nushan Cup" Photography and Short Video Contest

Call for Papers for "Wu Nushan Cup" Photography and Short Video Contest

  • Classification:Scenic spot dynamics
  • Author:
  • From:
  • Published Time:2020-09-08 15:45:00
  • Views:94

【Summary Description】

Call for Papers for "Wu Nushan Cup" Photography and Short Video Contest

【Summary Description】

  • Classification:Scenic spot dynamics
  • Author:
  • From:
  • Published Time:2020-09-08 15:45:00
  • Views:94

"World Heritage, Millennium Ancient City", the birthplace of a frontier nation, a cultural journey through time and space. Wunu Mountain fascinates people with its long history and culture, and makes people yearn for its unique natural landscape. It has been rated as one of the top ten archaeological discoveries in China, a national 4A-level tourist attraction, and a world cultural heritage site. In order to further improve the tourism brand influence of Wunvshan Scenic Area, encourage and guide the whole people to participate in creative culture and experience the beautiful scenery of Wunvshan. Liaoning Wunv Mountain Tourism Development Group decided to hold a tourism photography and short video competition to collect works for photography enthusiasts in the county.


The details are as follows:

1. Organizer

     Host: Liaoning Wunvshan Tourism Development Group Co., Ltd.

     Organizer: Huanren Branch of Liaoning Tourism Photography Association

2. Contents of the competition

1. Contents of the entries

       Taking the historical and cultural landscape and natural ecological landscape of Wunu Mountain as the object of creation, the entries must be artistic and representative. Entries must be original and first published, plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and the entrants are fully responsible for the consequences caused by infringement.

2. Format of the entry

      Photographic works should be in JPG format, and the file size should not be less than 3M (the work should indicate the author and the work name); the length of the short video should be 30 seconds to 2 minutes (the picture format should be HD 1920×1080, and the video generation format should be MP4 or MPEG).

3. Principles of award

       The competition is divided into two categories: photography and short video.

4. Participants should submit 3 photographs per person, no more than 6 photographs per group, and one short video per person. The scenic spots of the winning works will be used free of charge.

3. Submission time

       September 10 to September 25, 2020

4. Submission method

      This competition only accepts electronic submissions

      Submission email: 2103693711@qq.com

      Tel: 024—48161711

5. Award setting

(1) Photography Award

     First prize: 1, 800 yuan bonus

     Second prize: 2, 500 yuan bonus

     Third prize: 3 people, 300 yuan bonus

     Excellence Award: 20 with a bonus of 100 yuan

(2) Short Video Work Award

     First prize: 1, 800 yuan bonus

     Second prize: 2, 500 yuan bonus

     Third prize: 3 people, 300 yuan bonus

     Excellence Award: 20 with a bonus of 100 yuan


We hope that the majority of photography enthusiasts will go to the scenic spot to conduct all-round wind-collecting activities. For this event, you can enter the scenic spot for free with your photography certificate. Fans who do not have a photography certificate can buy tickets to enter the scenic spot. I wish you all the best of shooting and recording.


    The final interpretation right of the event belongs to Liaoning Wunvshan Tourism Group

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Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

The scenic area of Wunü Mountain locates itself 8.5 kilometers north of Huanren County in Liaoning Province, featuring imposing peaks and pleasant scenery.

Address: East Bank of hada River, Liujiagou street, Huanren Town, Huanren Manchu Autonomous County, Benxi City

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

Text for Wunü Mountain as AAAAA Scenic Area One.

Address: East Bank of hada River, Liujiagou street, Huanren Town, Huanren Manchu Autonomous County, Benxi City

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